Two Ways Writing is Magic

Sometimes writing is really hard.

If you can’t be writing right now, that’s okay. You may be in crisis mode and that comes first. There may not be any mental energy for anything besides caring for yourself and those you are with.

And that’s okay.

Let’s be gentle with ourselves. Let’s have grace and patience with our limits. Let’s set boundaries and practice proactive self care.

I talked recently about why creativity is important and what it may look like as we’re facing a global pandemic. Obviously it will look different for everyone.

For me, writing has been hard lately. It’s hard to find time as our household schedules and routines are changing. When I sit down to write it’s hard to focus. I don’t want to push myself too hard because I know I need rest.

But amidst the struggle, I’ve also been really encouraged by reminders of how writing really is magic.

Two Ways Writing is Magic

Writing Magic 1- When I Sit Down, Things Happen

Finding time to write is hard for me, and when I do have time I doubt whether I have the ability to actually make my brain cooperate with me enough to write anything even partially decent.

The world is a dark place right now and sometimes I worry that I can’t possibly create anything of worth. Or maybe I just don’t even want to try because it seems too hard.

But here’s the cool thing: When I make myself sit down and write something- it will happen.

Now my writing may not be very good. There may not be a lot of progress or high word counts.

But it will happen.

Words will be written. Things will be created.

Writing anything at all is a win because even bad art is better than no art.

And if we do the work, if we sit ourselves down in that chair, then something will happen.

And that is magic we can trust.

Writing Magic 2: When I Write, I Win

Sometimes writing may seem like just another “to do” list task.

But sometimes writing can also be a type of self-care.

Writing makes us feel productive.
It feels good to get something accomplished, even if it’s just a little task.

Writing makes us feel in control.
We make the decisions on how our project will go.

Writing gives us something to focus on.
Especially with so much heartbreaking news in the world, it’s important to think about something else for a change.

Writing provides a sense of “normal.”
It can promote healthy routines, goals, schedules, and remind us of what we enjoy and find important.

Writing reminds us better times are coming.
We’re in the long game with our work sometimes, and it gives us something to look forward to.

For my own writing, I’ve been finding that small goals work best right now.

My goals are things like “write for 5 minutes” “write a line of dialog for that scene” or “rename that side character.” Simple things. Sometimes I just organize my work and do those housekeeping tasks I’ve been putting off.

It’s all progress.

And all progress is good progress that should be celebrated!

We may not come out of this time with a masterpiece and we shouldn’t feel any pressure to.

But if we get the chance, let’s take a few minutes and sit ourselves down to work.

Let’s trust in the magic of writing, my friends.

Let’s trust that when we push ourselves to write, something will be created. And that that creation will bring benefits and light to our darkness